Surprise for my hubby!
I should have written this 2 weeks ago, but you know.. I'm a Production Stage is just about theatre, production, rehearsal, and rehearsals, and more rehearsalsssssssss...........
Okay, since I couldn't celebrate my Hubby's b-day on 10/10 cos of my rehearsal, I planned this special thing for him on the night before. After our classes, I met him at WILK and we walked to the car together. I'm going to bring him for dinner, but he didn't know where. He didn't know anything I've planned. So here is goes...
1. When we got into the car, I passed him a slip of paper, which said "There are 3 surprises for you today..we're going for the 1st one now for dinner..guess where?" He guessed Sam Hawk, all the jia ba lam restaurants lah...then I told him he couldn't guess anymore, just see where we were heading. I drove him to Orem and he started to guess Carribeas at U Mall (Basket, he's right), but I couldn't tell him that he guessed right so I just replied:" Wait you see lor." Then, when I turned into the parking lot, he just laughed at my reaction just now. However, he was very happy because he always wanted to come here to eat after seeing MArcus proposing to Becca over here so I brought him here to eat. It's pretty good, just like Marcaroni's Grill (Not sure about the name). It's a Italian restaurant selling some grill seafood and meat. WE both love the bread dip with the sauce. Awesome! And we packet all the bread home, haha! Also, Justin treated me this dinner instead...haha!
2. Halfway through the dinner, I gave him his 2nd slip of paper which says "Here's your 2nd surprise, however......" He went curious. He was like "However what???" Then I gave him a birthday card, which says that he needs something special on his birthday and I'm that something special. Romantic huh? I told him that I didn't buy him any b-day present because I'm the present and that's enough for him and he agreed. I was hoping that he would not be disappointed but he seemed very happy. I ever asked him before what does he want for his b-day present and he answered that to me that I'm enough for him so I just bought this card lor. On the card, I pasted lots of heart-shaped stickers too...hehe! Then, he told me that he's looking forward to know his 3rd and last surprise.
3. We drove home and at our door, I passed him his 3rd slip of paper which says: "Open this door, and walk straight to the refrigerator." He was so excited after reading this that he shouted: "Got cake ah? I want to eat cake!" Then we went in and he opened the fridge and saw a big cake with strawberries on top, he just "WAH!!!!!" and hugged me right away. I never knew he would be so anticipated to have a cake. He thought I made it, but I told him that I ordered it at the French Bakery at Orem. Oh my gosh, please visit this shop if u have the chance. They have the best pastries man! I bought their this almond cake thing last time and I couldn't stop eating. I felt like I'm in Heaven...not exaggerating. It is sooooooo delicious! They are all made by the French people. Real French and very friendly! Jusitn and I tried eating this cake....can you imagine...we both flying up into the Heaven? It's not the typical American cake which uses icing sugar (will get dietbetes someday), but it uses Fresh Cream, just like those we eat in Singapore...OMGosh!! I couldn't bear to give any piece of this cake to anyone...haha! We still have 2 pieces left..haha..I can't bear to finish it. It's $24 for the whole rectangular cake and I thought it's pretty reasonable. We should all visit this shop one day and buy all the delicious pastries man. They could be a little expensive though...but who cares..nice food deserve it! Oh, also, in the cake, there's this layer of custard pudding...sooooo good..the cake just melts in your mouth....yummmy!!!!!

So here are the 3 surprises for my hubby.......................................................................wait a second... is this the end of the story? You think my surprises were so simple.......Well, to be continued.................. Stay Tune!!!!!! :)