Roadtrip to Florida part II
From Chattanooga, we set off to our final destination - Kissimmee, Florida where our motel is located! It's about 10 mins drive south of Orlando. We drove for about 2
hours and arrived in Atlanta, Georgia for lunch. We actually saw many students attending their 1st day of fall school at Georgia State Univ. in the downtown and we went in and walked around. They probably thought we were one of t
hem, haha! There were many restaurants outside the campus and we went to this korean/jap restaurant. I had Pork katsu don and Justin had this spicy seafood noodles soup. He loves anything that's soup or seafood so the combinati
on of both makes it perfect for him. The korean boss thought we were korean and spoke to us in korean until we said we weren't. haha! We actually enjoyed our trip at Atlanta downtown cos it's huge and pretty. CNN is there and it's the state of Coca Cola! Also, lots of African American! This is the best city we've seen throughout our drive! How come there are no restaurants like that right outside BYU huh? Sian ah! Then we drove all the way to Kissimmee, Florida and when we arrived there at night, I was like: "This is my new home now and I love it!" Because there are so many lights and restaurants! It looks like a fun place to live at!
Day 5 (8/21/2007 Tuesday):
We went to Busch Gardens t
oday. It's located at Tampa, Florida, which is about 1 1/2 hours of drive from Central Orlando. Tampa is at the western part of florida. It was a hot day man! I was glad that it didn't rain. This place is full of big and fun rides. The 1st roller coaster already made us dizzy as it kept spinning round and round. The best ride would definitely be "Sheikra" which is the newest
ride i think. It stops at a 40 ft high and suddenly goes all the way down 90 degree vertically! It was awesome man! Justin described it as "tiao lou" (jumping off the building), hahaha! I think i'm braver than him cos he admitted that he closed his eyes while I opened mine! (Check the pic on the right!)
We went to Busch Gardens t
Also, I took this overturn pirate ship alone (which I din know that it would overturn lor until i was on it). Justin din want to take cos he doesn't like pirateship and he was laughing at me downstairs while I was hanged up there! The necklace i was wearing almost dropped and I had to hang on to it. I'm really not afraid to take roller coasters or whatever scary rides by myself because I'm a big fan of theme parks and I totally love taking them. If Justin doesn't dare to take, I'll still go ahead and take one lah.. Joyce rules! haha! Anyway, we'll be reporting to Disney the next day so here ends our roadtrip but we'll contin
ue to have fun man!